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On January 7, 2019, the Rand Corporation announced the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research (NCGVR) is seeking proposals to support up to $10 million in projects during its first grant-making cycle. The collaborative is a a philanthropic fund founded by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation to support scientific research on gun policy.
The initial $10 million is expected to fund 10 to 25 grants, including three or more dissertation support awards of $25,000. NCGVR will make final decisions on grants in June or July 2019. Suggested proposals include:
- Basic and descriptive research about gun ownership, use, violence, injuries, suicide, markets and related topics.
- Policies and interventions for preventing gun violence, and the effects of these interventions on a wide range of outcomes (including, for instance, injuries, defensive gun use, prosecutions and suicide).
- Projects seeking to collect and disseminate new data resources that will support gun policy or gun violence reduction research.
Billionaires Laura and John Arnold have pledged $20 million to the collaborative to support high-quality gun violence research over the next five years. They are seeking to cultivate additional donors to grow the fund to $50 million. This funding is absolutely critical as the NRA has been successful in cutting off federal funding for gun violence prevention research.
Please contact the Laura and John Arnold Foundation through one of the channels below and give them the following message, personalized to your liking:
Thank you so much to Laura and John Arnold for pledging $20 million to the National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research (NCGVR) for grants that will fund scientific inquiry about gun violence prevention policies. I am so excited about the opportunities you will be providing for gun violence researchers nationwide. As you know, the NRA has succeeded in largely choking off federal funding for this research, so the role of foundations like yours is absolutely critical. I wish you the best of luck in cultivating other donors to reach your goal of $50 million over the next five years. I believe you will do it because you have shown moral leadership that will inspire others with the ability to give. I will be spreading the news of your good work to others. Please keep leading on this critical, life-saving issue!
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
Phone: (713) 554-1349
Email via webform:
Once you have contacted the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, fill in the three fields below and click the orange banner to report taking action!